For the past six months we have been working in partnership with the local community to deliver a building everyone can be proud of:
We met with local groups to gather direct feedback
Over 2,000 people viewed this consultation website
We held two public exhibitions on the initial plans
3,001 flyers delivered to the local community
284 invitations handed to neighbouring properties
142 letters posted to immediate neighbours
Key Changes
Height reduced by 3m
Reduction in parking spaces provided
New attractive public realm
Relocation of proposed office space, ensuring no overlooking
Creation of a tree lined route along Southbury Road
Provision of activated units along Southbury Road for local commercial, business and service uses
How the scheme has evolved following feedback from the local community
You said
We did
We are concerned about the building height
Reduced overall height of the
building by 3m
We are concerned about possible overlooking into properties on Emilia Close and Poppy Drive from the location of the proposed offices
The office space has been relocated to the north elevation of the main logistics building to offer more privacy to neighbours and activate Southbury Road.
Can you improve the proposed elevations?
We have simplified the elevation treatment with green wall zones consolidated to highlight the main entrance and reduced glazing.
We want a mix of units
We will be providing units for local commercial, business and service uses on the Southbury Road frontage
Have you considered the impact on neighbouring properties?
The proposed building line is set back up to 25 metres from railway line and another 25 metres from the rear of residential properties on Poppy Drive and Emilia Close.
The proposed illuminated signage and lighting in the car park have been designed with regard for impact on neighbouring properties.The proposed scheme will also achieve air quality neutral impact.
Do you have a plan to manage traffic impact?
British Land is updating the previous detailed Scoping Note and is in the process of agreeing the transport modelling approach with LB Enfield / TFL.
The proposed scheme has been fully tracked to ensure safe and efficient access for HGVs, LGVs, cars, refuse and emergency vehicles.
We want more urban greening
We have introduced an enhanced tree-lined green buffer on the eastern Site boundary, further tree planting on Southbury Road and along the southern and western boundaries as well as within the staff car park to the south.
We are concerned about the amount of parking spaces proposed
In accordance with Enfield Council and GLA policies we have reduced the overall number of car parking spaces.
In total 145 spaces will be provided, 38 having electric charing facilities. 15 disabled accessible bays will be provided, as well as 52 van parking spaces.
Are you improving access to the station?
We will be widening and enhancing the access from Southbury Road which will enable safe and efficient access by foot and bicycle.
A new attractive public realm. Within this area there is opportunities for seating, secure bike stands, enhanced lighting and wayfinding.
Updated Proposals
Landscape Masterplan
Key views
Indicative view from Southbury road of previous design
Indicative view from Southbury road of evolved design