British Land is pleased to present our updated proposals for the future of Heritage House, Southbury Road.

Our proposals respond to Enfield’s need for high-quality logistics space, creating additional capacity at the Southbury Road location. Our proposals will support continued growth and job creation at the Heritage House site.

Alongside this, the exciting proposals will enhance the landscaping and create a more welcoming visual experience for neighbours and visitors.

For the past six months we have been consulting the local community, Enfield Council and all interested parties as we sought to devise the best solution for the future of Heritage House. As a result of feedback received, the plans have evolved, comments incorporated, and changes have been made.

Following the consultation with the community, we have now submitted an application to Enfield Council (Ref:23/00824/FUL). You can access the application documents here.

Thank You

For the past six months, we have been working in partnership with the local community to deliver a building everyone can be proud of:

We met with local groups to gather direct feedback

Over 2,000 people viewed our consultation website

We held two public exhibitions on the initial plans

3,001 flyers delivered to the local community

284 invitations handed to neighbouring properties

142 letters posted to immediate neighbours

Thank you to everyone who provided comments.
You can see how the scheme has evolved by clicking on the link below

We will be proposing

An increase in employment floorspace and local employment opportunities

Best in class logistics unit and commercial, business and service floorspace

Widened and enhanced access from Southbury Road

An enhanced street frontage and public realm to Southbury Road

Urban greening, green walls and a more welcoming environment

Improved security and visual outlook for neighbours

About British Land

British Land is an organisation that prides itself in delivering places that people prefer. This happens by understanding the evolving needs of the people and the organisations who use the places and the communities who live around them.

“The deep connections we have created between our customers, communities, partners and people are enduring, helping our places to thrive.”

Have Your Say

In-person event 1

Our in person events have now concluded.You can now view the consultation boards using the link below.

In-person event 2

Our in person events have now concluded.You can now view the consultation boards using the link below.

Online Survey

Our survey is now closed. You can provide your comments by emailing Hannah at or calling 0800 864 4288. 

Enfield Council (Ref:23/00824/FUL)

We are delighted to announce that we have received a positive resolution at Planning Committee on the 18th July and we are currently agreeing the final details of the planning conditions.